May God Bless You this day beyond measure! May He pour out His richest blessings in lavish ever-increasing abundant overflowing blessings of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, HOPE and PERFECT HEALTH upon YOU!!! May your every need be met and may everything you put your hand to prosper. Know that you are His chosen child and you are Loved and Treasured by the King of Kings. God Bless You!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I will be missing and out of the 'loop' for a few weeks....yes, you read correctly weeks not days.

Terrible timing!

Each of you will remain in my thoughts and hopefully when I return I will have some very exciting news to share with you!

with love as always,
Carol a.k.a. Beulah


  1. Hope all's well, I follow by email so will see when you start blogging again.

    Take care
    Peg x

  2. take care and see you soon! :) xoxo


Thanks for stopping by for a visit to share your thoughts, ideas and words of encouragement! May your day be filled with overflowing endless hours of Joy blanketed in Love.