May God Bless You this day beyond measure! May He pour out His richest blessings in lavish ever-increasing abundant overflowing blessings of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, HOPE and PERFECT HEALTH upon YOU!!! May your every need be met and may everything you put your hand to prosper. Know that you are His chosen child and you are Loved and Treasured by the King of Kings. God Bless You!

Monday, May 6, 2013

This little Bird is going to bed

Perched on top of my pillows in their new birdie pillowcases is one [I bought several colors] of my 40 Blinks Ultralight Sleep Mask.
I laughed at first sight, there is no way these would work, how could they with their comical bikini shape....well, I am not laughing now!
These are amazing!
They do work!
The light is blocked completely,  they are soft and comfortable.
And yes, I am sleeping at night! It has been decades since I have know real restful restoring sleep!
When our children were born, I trained my ears and body and became a very light sleeper....Not Good!
Let's just say I was very good at light sleeping.
Now after a few weeks of using my 40 Blinks Ultralight Sleep Mask, my body is being retrained!
Ladies, SLEEP does a body good!

Goodnight little chickadees, morning comes early! I will be hopping tomorrow with a flock of very creative 'birdies' in the "It's for the Birds Blog Hop".

Sweet dreams!

 with Love as always,


  1. Oooh, Thank you for taking care of yourself!
    G'Nite -

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog and letting me know that you are a kindred spirit in fabric rescue!

  3. I am really thinking about getting one of those!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit to share your thoughts, ideas and words of encouragement! May your day be filled with overflowing endless hours of Joy blanketed in Love.