May God Bless You this day beyond measure! May He pour out His richest blessings in lavish ever-increasing abundant overflowing blessings of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, HOPE and PERFECT HEALTH upon YOU!!! May your every need be met and may everything you put your hand to prosper. Know that you are His chosen child and you are Loved and Treasured by the King of Kings. God Bless You!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I feel like a Turtle

Slowly and steadily I am learning this business of the turtle in the race with the rabbit...slowly I am progressing and slowly I shall conquer! :) 
This week I am working [That is when I am not sewing or entertaining the neighborhood children. ] on links, responding,  creating a signature, and image galleries....any tidbits of advice and wisdom of  those who have gone before me would be most welcome!

The children have discovered my art studio [garage] and actively seek out reasons to  
come visit with the purpose of exploring
and creating art.
One of the four year olds' declared she 
was going to skip pre-school run away to hide
in my garage.

I'd love to stay and chat a bit more, however, I must take advantage of the time and empty my bread bowl of on my a bit of laundry....think about what's for dinner....start working on some of the delightful projects that were added to my 'to do list' from the "In Your Words" Blog Hop....

Hope each of you are having a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. Your blog is loaded in for my Grow Your Blog party -- just under the wire! You will need to prepare a special post for the event - I will be by to meet you as soon as I can after the party starts!

  2. I found your blog from Stitchin By the Lake. I have learned a lot about blogging from Karen at She has great tutorials!

  3. I'm also stopping from Stitchin By the Lake. Good luck with your blog. I learned/am learning thru trial and error. My son lives in NC - love your state! ~Jeanne

  4. You seem to be doing just fine to me :)

    1. Thanks Terry! I've been pushing the learning curve.

  5. Sometimes things just seem a bit overwhelming, don't they? I remember when I first started blogging I thought I never would learn everything...and I was right. :) Every time I think I have it down, blogger throws me a curve! You do get better, I promise! blessings, marlene

    P.S. I've found that I get more comments if I don't have word verification on. I don't allow anonymous comments and that seems to keep the spam down if that's a concern.

  6. Just remember that the turtle won that race!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit to share your thoughts, ideas and words of encouragement! May your day be filled with overflowing endless hours of Joy blanketed in Love.